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Issue List
Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 995, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-252 (2 May 2003)
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Systematic error in automated in-tube solid-phase microextraction ARTICLE
Pages 1-10
Anil R. Raghani and Kristin N. Schultz
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Optimisation of headspace solid-phase microextraction for the analysis of volatile phenols in wine ARTICLE
Pages 11-20
Remedios Castro Mejías, Ramón Natera Marín, Mª de Valme García Moreno and Carmelo García Barroso
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Trace analysis of sulfonylurea herbicides in water by on-line continuous flow liquid membrane extraction–C18 precolumn liquid chromatography with ultraviolet absorbance detection ARTICLE
Pages 21-28
Jing-fu Liu, Jing-bo Chao, Gui-bin Jiang, Ya-qi Cai and Jie-min Liu
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Analysis of food colorants by capillary electrophoresis with large-volume sample stacking ARTICLE
Pages 29-36
Hsi-Ya Huang, Chen-Wen Chiu, Show-Li Sue and Chi-Feng Cheng
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Effect of the mobile phase composition on the isotherm parameters and the high concentration band profiles in reversed-phase liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 37-54
Fabrice Gritti and Georges Guiochon
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pH dependence of the hydrophobicity of small beta, Greek-blocker amine compounds measured by counter-current chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 55-66
S. Carda-Broch and A. Berthod
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Kinetic analysis and subambient temperature on-line on-column derivatization of an active aldehyde ARTICLE
Pages 67-78
R. LoBrutto, Y. Bereznitski, T. J. Novak, L. DiMichele, L. Pan, M. Journet, J. Kowal and N. Grinberg
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True or apparent reversal of elution order during chiral high-performance liquid chromatography monitored by a polarimetric detector under different mobile phase conditions ARTICLE
Pages 79-85
Christian Roussel, Nicolas Vanthuyne, Muriel Serradeil-Albalat and Jean-Claude Vallejos
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Optimization, validation and comparison of various extraction techniques for the trace determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sewage sludges by liquid chromatography coupled to diode-array and fluorescence detection ARTICLE
Pages 87-97
C. Miège, J. Dugay and M. C. Hennion
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Analysis of proanthocyanidins by high-performance gel permeation chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 99-107
James A. Kennedy and Alan W. Taylor
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Identification of acylated xanthone glycosides by liquid chromatography–atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry in positive and negative modes from the lichen Umbilicaria proboscidea ARTICLE
Pages 109-118
TomáImage Imageezanka and Valery M. Dembitsky
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Quantitative determination of phenolic diterpenes in rosemary extracts: Aspects of accurate quantification ARTICLE
Pages 119-125
Michael A. Thorsen and Katja S. Hildebrandt
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Separation of enzymes by sequential macroaffinity ligand-facilitated three-phase partitioning ARTICLE
Pages 127-134
Aparna Sharma, Kalyani Mondal and Munishwar Nath Gupta
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Coupling solid-phase microextraction and high-performance liquid chromatography for direct and sensitive determination of halogenated fungicides in wine ARTICLE
Pages 135-142
S. Millán, M. C. Sampedro, N. Unceta, M. A. Goicolea, E. Rodríguez and R. J. Barrio
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Determination of sodium at low ng/l concentrations in simulated power plant waters by ion chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 143-152
Brian M. De Borba, Mark Laikhtman and Jeff S. Rohrer
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Simultaneous separation of inorganic anions and cations by using anion-exchange and cation-exchange columns connected in tandem in ion chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 153-160
Khairil Juhanni Binti Abd Karim, Ji-Ye Jin and Toyohide Takeuchi
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Different multidimensional chromatographic approaches applied to the study of wine malolactic fermentation ARTICLE
Pages 161-169
L. Fernandes, A. M. Relva, M. D. R. Gomes da Silva and A. M. Costa Freitas
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Simultaneous determination of methyl tert.-butyl ether and its degradation products, other gasoline oxygenates and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes in Catalonian groundwater by purge-and-trap-gas chromatography–mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 171-184
Mònica Rosell, Sílvia Lacorte, Antoni Ginebreda and Damià Barceló
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Description and characterization of an on-line system for long-term measurements of isoprene, methyl vinyl ketone, and methacrolein in ambient air ARTICLE
Pages 185-201
M. Komenda, A. Schaub and R. Koppmann
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Analysis of long-chain polyprenols using supercritical fluid chromatography and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 203-207
T. Bamba, E. Fukusaki, Y. Nakazawa, H. Sato, K. Ute, T. Kitayama and A. Kobayashi
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Behavior of neutral solutes in pressurized flow driven electrochromatography using a mixed stationary phase of ODS and anion-exchange ARTICLE
Pages 209-215
Shinya Kitagawa and Takao Tsuda
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Modification and validation of the pyromellitic acid electrolyte for the capillary electrophoretic determination of anions ARTICLE
Pages 217-226
Thomas Ehmann, Laszlo Fabry, Herbert Rüfer, Ludwig Kotz, Siegfried Pahlke and Claus Mantler
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Feasibility of supercritical fluid extraction with on-line coupling of reversed-phase liquid chromatography for quantitative analysis of polymer additives SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 227-232
M. Ashraf-Khorassani, N. Nazem and L. T. Taylor
Abstract | Abstract + References | PDF (149 K)
On-line solid-phase extraction with molecularly imprinted polymers to selectively extract substituted 4-chlorophenols and 4-nitrophenol from water SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 233-238
Ester Caro, Rosa M. Marcé, Peter A. G. Cormack, David C. Sherrington and Francesc Borrull
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Determination of aromatic amine mutagens, PBTA-1 and PBTA-2, in river water by solid-phase extraction followed by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 239-243
Hiroshi Moriwaki, Hiroya Harino, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Ryuichi Arakawa, Takeshi Ohe and Taro Yoshikura
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Pages 245-246

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Pages 247-252

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Page CO1

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Page iii

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News Section NEWS
Pages N1-N3

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